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Lia is a female Coastal Carpet Python from Australia.  We acquired her in mid January, 2003 as a mate for Kaa.

Unfortunately, Lia turned out to have a few problems that will most likely not allow them to ever mate. She refuses to eat on a regular basis and after an x-ray exam by Dr. Tom Greek, she was found to have some permanent damage to her lower spine. It isn't known whether it was genetic or if an injury caused this long before we got her. She has some fusing of her spine and has difficulty defecating.We have been working with her over the last year and simply hope to make her years with us as comfortable as possible, she is such a sweetheart.

Lia finally died on 4/27/06 after languishing for over a year.  She seemed to hang on forver and just didn't want to let go, but no amount of treatment seemed to have any effect so we knew it was just a matter of time.


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